This year brought some amazing free tools for music production: Here’s our recap list of some of the most interesting free audio plugins released in 2020 !
Limited time offers that aren’t available anymore aren’t listed below, so consider following us on Instagram not to miss out next opportunities !
TOP 1Supermassive
Designed for massive delays and lush reverbs, Supermassive quickly became one of our go to tools for sound design: It well deserved its 1st place !
TOP 2Vital
Although it has just been released few days ago, Vital already impress and should quickly become a staple.
There was some room left for a good free transient designer plugin: Surreal Machines made it with style with Crack !
Fresh Air
Fresh air can brighten up individual tracks, busses or entire mixes with just the right amount of brilliance and sparkle with simplicity and great results.
Tape Cassette 2
With detailed controls for sculpting the exact flavor of lo-fi you need, Tape Cassette 2 brings you the best of the cassette era.
Coffee the PUn
Released on April 1st last year by Acustica Audio, Coffee The PUn is everything but a joke:
This well balanced vintage equalizer delivers a really pleasing sound.
Space Modulator
Another great input from Valhalla with their very versatile modulation effect ‘Space Modulator’ plugin
KSHMR provided us with a specific kick processor plugins that can shape almost any kick with style.
Music Box Suite Free
We have been seduced by this simple yet great sounding Music Box free plugin.
TDR Molotok
TDR took the DNA of the notoriously difficult to use VladG Molot compressor and turned it into a stylish, intuitive experience that sounds incredible.